Sunday, September 27, 2009

What is MobileMe?

It's only the best thing out there! I get to sync my contact, calendar, notes and more with MobileMe. What if you lost your iPhone? Did you know you can log your iPhone remotely from your computer? You can even wipe it clean if you don't want people to get data from your iPhone. How cool is that?

It's also web based so lets say you don't have your phone. Your not near your computer. You can log into another computer and got to Log into your account and view your .mac mail, documents, calendar, contancts and more.

There is so much more this application does that will make your life easy.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

$1,000 iPhone Cases!

You thought the cases at the Apple store were expensive. LA Times reported about a company in Japan that sprinkles gold dust in these beautiful handmade cases. I mean they look amazing. The company's web site Oh it's all in Japanese so bust out your translator. Want to boot your iPhone value and stand out in the crowd. Get one of these babies.

See how they make them:

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Have You Ever Lost An iPhone?

What if you could send a message to your phone so the person who found it can return it to you....?

What if you could locate your iPhone on a Google Map....? What if you could erase the information on your iPhone remotely....?

With the new 3.0 software and Mobile Me you can totally do that!

It's gonna be available on June 17th. How cool is this? If you have not found a reason to get your iPhone this alone should push you over the edge. Apple stores will be packed come June 19th when the new iPhone comes out.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Yes Toddlers Like the iPhone

Here are some apps to search for on your iPhone or iTunes. Your kids will love them and so will you.

Newton's Cradle Classic
ABC's Free
Built-in apps
Scribble Lite
Labyrinth Lite Edition
Digidrummer Lite

Friday, April 24, 2009

Imagine Being the 1 Billionth App Downloader

Imagine if it was your iPhone that downloaded the 1 billionth iPhone app. What would it be like? What would you want it to be like? I know for me it would be like balloons falling from the skies, a big phat check of an undisclosed amount, free apple products for a lifetime, high fives from apple retail workers....."wake up, wake up". Just a dream just a dream. What would your dream be like?

How Do I Make An iPhone App?

Well if you are not a developer you don't. Hire someone to do it for you. If you've got the idea write down your masterpiece. How it works, what's it for, who will use it etc. Find developers on or Post your job and have developers bid for your project. Hey you may just have that million dollar idea. I'll see your App in the App Store.

Check out the new keynote presenation about the new iPhone software:

Sunday, April 12, 2009

How to Use Your iPod touch

So you get your iPod touch and now what? Take it out of the box, plug in your USB cable and start up your iTunes. Download music, movies, games, podcasts or Apps. Apps is the best part about it. It's not just an mp3 player. It's a movie player with tools to make your iPod touch fun. Add game apps, an app to make music beats or a measureing app. It's by far my favorite iPod.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Skype iPhone App Had How Many Downloads?

Rumor has it that the awaited Skype iPhone application was downloaded over 1 million times in the first two days! Not sure of how well the app is working but what will that do to the ATT service after your two years are up? hhhmmmm. Anyway it's a fav amongst the iPhone users.

Monday, March 23, 2009

How to Use Your iPod Touch to Make Calls

Make phone calls with your iPod touch? Yep they finally did it. There's an application you can download that will let you use your iPod touch to make calls! It's called TruPhone and the application is FREE. Visit for more information on how this hot application works. I wonder if iPod touches will fly off the shelves now. HHHHMMMMM....

Technorati Profile

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Go with Himmm....

This is more for entertainment purposes. Have you ever stoped to hear a really great song on the radio and wondered who sang it? Did you also wait till the end of the song to hopefully have the DJ mention the name and band who sang it only to find them saying, "ok we are going to a commercial break".....Gasp! I'll tell you the app name in a moment.

Do you remember this classic moment, if you watched tv a few years back, that one married with children show. Al Bundy walks into a record store looking for this one song he's been dying to find out who sings it. He humms it to the clerk and the clerk says, "never heard of it".

It was a funny show, check out the youtube video below.

The App name.... "Shazam". It's free to download.