Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Carpool Will Never Be the Same

Imagine stuck in traffic even in the carpool lane. Sucks right? Now imagine the passengar holding their iPad and opening up the Djay app for the iPad. Scratching, mixing and having a blast.

Now it's reality my friends. Want a carpool fun ideas. Get this iPad app for your carpool entertainment. Turn table in one app. Don't know how to DJ? Not a problem turn on Automix and the app will mix your favs for you. This award winning app is genius. Watch the demo below.

It's available now in the iTunes app store. djay - algoriddim

It's also available for in the Mac store for your Mac.


djay - algoriddim

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Houdini Would Be Mad

If he knew about this Street Magic 1: Levitation's iPhone app. Ok maybe not but you are going to love it like I did.  I loaded this free app on my iPhone, launched it and right away a list of videos display (see illustration A and video below).

This app will show you how to videos on levitation, how to float objects and more. Magic in your pocket.

You get two options 1) Watch the magic trick or illusion. 2) Watch the secret (the best part).

I already learned the Floating Expresso trick. And guess what? In the how-to video, a kid explained it to me. Once you know the secret you'll be saying, "no way", like I was.

For some secrets there is a small premium to view the secret. But you pay much much less than going to get it at the magic book store. Save probably hundreds.

It's available now for free download in the iTunes app store. Street Magic 1: Levitations - White Dove Creative Studios

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Scavenger Hunt App is a Hit - Geocaching

What is geocaching? I'll tell you in a moment. Turn your iPhone into a treasure hunting device. Thousands are now involved in this world wide treasure hunting game called Geocaching. You sign up for free at http://www.geocaching.com. Then open up your iPhone app called Geocaching and go off to your treasure hunt adventure. Start off your year with fun and adventure. Watch the presentation below.

It's available now in the iTunes app store:
Geocaching - Groundspeak Inc.


"Worth Every Penny!" by Don Presley

"By far my most used app!" by ptoto

"Geocaching with iPhone is fantastic!" by macpug

"My little girl thinks she's Dora the Explorer" by Roy Jones

"Anyone can geocache now!" by Seasnoboarder