Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Social Media Playlist

Google+ Circles Tutorial‬, Twitter Directories‬, ‪Measuring Social Media‬, ‪Professional Facebook Fan Page Layouts‬, ‪Socialnomics‬, ‪Social Media Revolution 2010‬,

‪SocialMediaEnergy‬,  ‪Easily Download Facebook Data Video‬,

This is the playlist that will give you some good intel


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Which One is More Important ñ Product or Mailing List?

If you would ask this question, "Which one is more important ñ the mailing list or the product?" any savvy marketer would answer you, The mailing list.


Principally, any wise business person puts the importance of hungry demand (and not just any demand) in front of the product. In other words, there is no product if there is no demand! And a mailing list represents the demand or your business if you would like to call it.


If you frequent the Joint Venture forums and membership sites of any kind, you will find that product and service owners need mailing list owners more than the other way round. This is because the mailing list owners have the prospects that the other type of partner is looking for to sell to.


And if you are a mailing list owner, you do not have to necessarily make money from selling your own product. You can sell advertising space or craft a Joint Venture with product owners in return of commissions, recurring or not.


Most of the biggest success web businesses on the Internet today often establish the mailing list (or subscribers) first before the product. One fine example is Friendster.com.


Friendster.com, in the nutshell, is a website that connects friends and potential friends from around the world through a free membership access.


While Friendster.com does not make money from the number of members who join the site, the business makes money from selling advertising space and partnering with other big time merchants and businesses, owing to the established number of members Friendster.com has recruited.


This business is perfect example that demonstrates why every business should establish a need or demand before the product itself, and why you should do the same, whether you run a friends site or not.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Want a Presence on Twitter?

Want to a presence on Twitter for yourself or your business? Need help setting up a Facebook Fan Page? You've come to the right place. Pay close attention and I'll tell you how you can get started. 


Iwillteachyousocialmedia.com will be your go to coach for social media success. You'll learn about Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, blogging, third party apps and other networks. There's so many tools to utilize for your social media but which ones are the right ones you need. they'll show you. After a few sessions you'll be on your way to the exciting world of Social Media. Don't have time to set up? Don't worry, they can set up for you and even manage your social media presence. Take action now and fill out the quick form on their web site. They will contact you within 24 hours. 


Visit IWillTeachYouSocialMedia.com and I'll see you online.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Best Facebook Fan Pages For Under $100 Bucks


When it to comes to being successful online of course there are several ways of doing it. When it comes to Facebook you will notice a trend. Of course, that trend is the fact that so many internet gurus are flocking to Facebook at a very fast pace. The reason why that is is because of the fact that Facebook actually has a little over 600 million users. And the majority of the user's actually login in every single day plus the majority of those users spend an average of about 15 minutes per day or more on Facebook. 


Now when you consider those figures and you consider the type of traffic you could get  from Facebook. Then you can definitely see why  you should be setting up a page on Facebook. You should be doing it right now. That's one of things you definitely need to do as soon as possible. But of course when it comes to setting up your fan page, you can be like a regular average joe and set up a regular looking Fanpage or… you can definitely use the tools and resources that they have, from their site www.FanPageLayouts.com and make sure that you have a professional looking fanpage. 


That's actually what they do specialize in. That's exactly how they can help you to be successful online, by the fact of setting yourself apart, you can make sure that you're fanpage  looks professional just like the big gurus.You will have, all the tools and resources available to make it happened on their site. The layouts are ridiculously affordable for what you get and their support is amazing. 


Visit http://www.FanPageLayouts.com and get a professional looking Facebook Page Layout.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

How to Capture Real Estate Leads

Imagine someone drives by your real estate listing and they really like the house. But you ran out of the paper profile with the details of the home. The interested party would rather not call so they leave and see ya later. Well what if you have a message stating, "Like this house? Text 800-555-5555 for a quick details about this wonderful house".

What happens then?

They hear a short voicemail detailing the special part of the house. Tell them who to contact of press option #2 to be directly transferred to a live real estate agent. Cool right? Oh, how about a quick text/sms to their phone, "3 bdr, 2 bth, Price $349,000, call Jane at 818-555-5555 for more information".

Oh and you now have a potential lead. Maybe that house is not for them but you know they are in the market.

Well there's a great company that gives you these amazing tools called Monstor Follow up. Visiti them here and give it a try http://www.monsterfollowup.com.

Friday, March 11, 2011

What is That Tree? There's an App for That

Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being. Allow nature to teach you stillness. - ECKHART TOLLE, Stillness Speaks

Ever wondered about that tree in your neighborhood? Asked how long has it been there? What type of tree is it?
Arbor Day Tree Identification Guide: What Tree ... - red82
This may help you with that. An Arbor Day Tree identification guide iPhone app can help you identify over 200 types of trees within the US and Canada.

Imagine having a step by step tree guide that makes it easy use and find tons of great information about amazing trees, flowers and other things.

This was well put and there was a lot of thought put into this application. It's a great tree id resource. Ideal for the teacher, students, hikers and tree professionals.

This app was created by the Arbor Day Foundation a non profit organization.
If you are one with nature and love facts. This is an must have app to be added in your arsenal of apps. It's available now Arbor Day Tree Identification Guide: What Tree ... - red82

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Someone Has Radar On You

SomeoneRadar is new iPhone application created by Yoichi Hirai. It was just released and available on iTunes. How this works; open the app and there is an arrow that will point in the direction of someone else using the same app. They will see the same thing (as illustrated below). You can text message right from the app to the other iPhone app and send each other information.

"hey wanna meet for lunch?"
"hey there's a new restaurant..."
"Concert in downtown...see you there"

If you are a young, believes in fate, easy going and ready to meet a new friend. This app should be one in your iPhone arsenal. 

It's available now in the Itunes store. 
someoneradar - Yoichi Hirai

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Carpool Will Never Be the Same

Imagine stuck in traffic even in the carpool lane. Sucks right? Now imagine the passengar holding their iPad and opening up the Djay app for the iPad. Scratching, mixing and having a blast.

Now it's reality my friends. Want a carpool fun ideas. Get this iPad app for your carpool entertainment. Turn table in one app. Don't know how to DJ? Not a problem turn on Automix and the app will mix your favs for you. This award winning app is genius. Watch the demo below.

It's available now in the iTunes app store. djay - algoriddim

It's also available for in the Mac store for your Mac.


djay - algoriddim

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Houdini Would Be Mad

If he knew about this Street Magic 1: Levitation's iPhone app. Ok maybe not but you are going to love it like I did.  I loaded this free app on my iPhone, launched it and right away a list of videos display (see illustration A and video below).

This app will show you how to videos on levitation, how to float objects and more. Magic in your pocket.

You get two options 1) Watch the magic trick or illusion. 2) Watch the secret (the best part).

I already learned the Floating Expresso trick. And guess what? In the how-to video, a kid explained it to me. Once you know the secret you'll be saying, "no way", like I was.

For some secrets there is a small premium to view the secret. But you pay much much less than going to get it at the magic book store. Save probably hundreds.

It's available now for free download in the iTunes app store. Street Magic 1: Levitations - White Dove Creative Studios

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Scavenger Hunt App is a Hit - Geocaching

What is geocaching? I'll tell you in a moment. Turn your iPhone into a treasure hunting device. Thousands are now involved in this world wide treasure hunting game called Geocaching. You sign up for free at http://www.geocaching.com. Then open up your iPhone app called Geocaching and go off to your treasure hunt adventure. Start off your year with fun and adventure. Watch the presentation below.

It's available now in the iTunes app store:
Geocaching - Groundspeak Inc.


"Worth Every Penny!" by Don Presley

"By far my most used app!" by ptoto

"Geocaching with iPhone is fantastic!" by macpug

"My little girl thinks she's Dora the Explorer" by Roy Jones

"Anyone can geocache now!" by Seasnoboarder